至少,小的時候,慾望也比較小,「意若思鏡」(Mirror of Erised)就夠了。分量恰好,足以陪伴長大之前的哈利波特。可是,現在,一面反映心象的鏡子,並未強大到足以支持我們獨自面對現實的困難。相較之下,「重生石」(Resurrection Stone)更加實際,更加虛幻,更加安慰,離校後的哈利是帶著「重生石」闖過最後一關。
筆記上手抄李日章的譯文:「理性固然與信仰攜手並進,但理性畢竟只是侍女。到最後,畢竟只有信仰能帶領人類到達到『永恆至福的終點』。」(Natural law: an introduction to legal Philosophy)右頁上方,我胡亂寫到:「這些問題千絲萬縷,紛雜,它們跳躍,毫無根據,似乎都息息相關,也都無關,同屬範疇卻難以連結,對於如此龐鉅的系統,只有退卻。」當時想要透露什麼了,這些字是解釋給自己聽到了?是那個「終點」,對於永恆至福的古典追求。若是,想要打一通聲速超越光速得以暫緩,甚而逆推,回溯,時光那端的我,攜手揭穿這個預言。
Real affliction, real grief and solemnity, have been outraged, and the funeral has been ‘performed.’ The waste for which the funeral customs of many tribes of savages are conspicuous, has attended these civilised obsequies; and once, and twice, have I wished in my soul that if the waste must be, they would let the undertaker bury the money, and let me bury the friend.